SEO website promotion alone 2016, checklist

June 9, 2016 18 Yehor Rykhnov

SEO website promotion alone 2016, a check-list with simple and achievable tips to help you raise the site in search results, leaving your competitors behind.

SEO checklist 2016 to promote the site on their own:

1. Semantics

2. Promoting behavioral factors

3. Go to the protocol https

4. From the top 20-30 to the top 3-5

5. Promote in the regions

1. Semantics

Maximum expand the semantic core of the site (search queries). Determine the needs of users on demand. For every "need" you need to create a separate page for selling.

For example, there is the search query "red two-compartment refrigerator" - it means there is such a need. For this need, we created a page which will only red two-compartment refrigerators. And optimize it for the corresponding request.

So you can get a lot of traffic to a website on low-frequency queries and improve conversions. Meet the needs of the user. Showing him only those products or services that interest him (in this case, red two-compartment refrigerators).

These pages do not need show in the site menu. You need display them only in the site map.

2. Promoting behavioral factors

If you want to use the services for the increase behavioral factors. It is better to do it with the help of Tor Browser (free browser, providing complete anonymity on the net). In order to best protect themselves from punishment.

3. Go to the protocol https

One of the factors of ranking websites is to use secure https protocol. Which uses SSL for secure data exchange. Analysis of search results showed that sites that use the https protocol, gain an advantage in search results.

Official Google statement on the impact of https protocol on the position in serarch result:

«As a rule, after transfer site to HTTPS protocol, site's position in search results will be increased. When ranking the use of this protocol is regarded as a positive factor. But since it has less weight than the quality of materials from the site, the first time the position of your web pages will change slightly. In the future, the weight of this indicator can grow.»

Google Guidelines when switching from http to https

1) Get certificates only in the trusted certificate centers that can provide technical support.

2) Set up a 301 redirect for users and search engines with HTTP to HTTPS. (For Nginx: Nginx, 301 redirect for all occasions, for Apache: 301 redirect for all occasions using .htaccess)

3) To your links and resources are always used HTTPS, use the relative URL. For example: <a href="/about ">...</a>, instead <a href="">...</a>.

4) You need change links with subdomain to the HTTPS protocol of site.

How to add HTTPS to the site described here: Let's Encrypt. As a free add SSL/TLS certificate and the HTTPS protocol on the your site, step by step guide

4. From the top 20-30 to the top 3-5

From the Top 20-30 to the Top 3-5 to advance searches much easier than moving a new request from scratch, and traffic growth can obtain significant. Therefore, select queries that are in the top 30., We analyze them top of search result., Сompare with your website and improving content, behavioral factors, reference weight, activity in social networks. And we on the first page of search engines.

5. Promoting in the regions

If you run your business in several regions / cities, then for each separate region we recommend to make a site on the subdomain of the main site. It must be filled with unique information., Tie it in Yandex.Webmaster to the desired region and to promote a separate website.