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Yii2, login with Facebook, quick start guide
Before we begin, let us see once more what authentication and authorization are, because many people confuse these concepts (and I am not an exception).
Authentication - confirmation of the authenticity of something or someone for that or whom he is trying to give himself away, with the help of some unique information, in our case - with a login and password.
Authorization is the verification and determination of the authority to perform certain actions (for example, viewing data) in accordance with the previously performed authentication.
Facebook will authenticate the user and then the site will authorize or register (if necessary) the user according to data from Facebook.
Thus, we will simplify the user to enter the site instead of entering the username and password it will be enough to press one button - "login with Facebook".

Yii2, data output in the form of an XML document
There are many options when you need to display data as XML document. For example, when you need to display the contents of the sitemap.xml for a search engine.

Short instruction. How to install Yii2 advanced
Short instruction on how to install Yii 2 advanced in Windows on OpenServer.
Because The instruction is brief, then a detailed description of what the commands do in the instruction will be omitted.

Yii2 (basic + advanced), authorization form in modal window
Detailed instructions for adding authorization in the modal window in Yii2 (basic + advanced).
The solution contains 3 sections (instructions) for "Yii2 basic + authorization via the database in the modal window", "Yii2 basic + authorization from the box in the modal window" and "Yii2 advanced authorization in the modal window", which are combined into one article, as doing 3 separate articles does not make sense. For convenience, all code is duplicated for each step of a separate instruction. However, the solution "Yii2 basic + authorization via the database in the modal window" is taken as a basis for the remaining instructions.
Everything is checked and works.

Yii2 basic, authorization and registration via the database
A simple example of fine-tuning Yii2 basic for authorization via the database, adding registration and resetting the password.

Magento 1. Display the list of articles and main page of articles in frontend. Part 7
Displaying a list of articles on the page of our module and main page of articles.

Yii, dependent dropDownList (select)
A detailed example of the implementation of dependent drop-down lists (select) in the Yii Framework.

Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 6. Admin panel
In this article we will make the basic CRUD function for the site admin panel.

Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 5. Models
In this article we will create models for working with our module.

Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 3. Create a controller and output Hello Word on the frontend
In this article, we'll create a simple controller, then you can follow the link to see the text Hello World.