If you need to call the same method or class from different parts of the code, then the best thing for these purposes is working with the component
Creating your component in Yii2
First, create the "components" folder in the root of your application (app/components (for basic) and app/frontend|backend|common/components for advanced). Next, we create a class for a component with its own namespace and extend from the Component class. For example, create the MyComponent componen (app/components/MyComponent.php):
<?php namespace app\components; use yii\base\Component; class MyComponent extends Component { public function mySuperMethod() { //your code //return ; } }
Next, you need to add the component to the configuration file app/config/web.php:
<?php $params = require(__DIR__ . '/params.php'); $config = [ //... 'components' => [ // ... 'mycomponent' => [ 'class' => 'app\components\MyComponent' ] ], //...
Now we can use the component in the application code.
Using your component in Yii2
Component has been created, now you can use it with help one line of code: