List of posts tagged: SSL

WoSign. Free SSL certificate and HTTPS for your site on 3 years, step by step guide

You have decided to move to the HTTPS protocol? Then this guide for you.

How to get an SSL certificate and enable the HTTPS protocol for the site on 3 years free from WoSing. Step-by-step instruction.

June 30, 2016 17 Yehor Rykhnov freeSSLhttps

Let's Encrypt. As a free add SSL/TLS certificate and the HTTPS protocol on the your site, step by step guide

Let's Encrypt - a non-profit organization that provides free, fully automated and open CA (certificate authority) certificate.

With this free SSL/TLS certificate you can easily customize the HTTPS protocol encryption on its website. Thereby protecting the transfer of data between client and server. And improve rankings in the search engines (google), and more. Not to mention the beautiful green castle at the beginning of your favorite domain.

Step by step instructions for creating a certificate for a free HTTPS protocol from Let's Encrypt

June 7, 2016 16 Yehor Rykhnov nginxapacheSSLhttpshttp