List of posts tagged: Yii Framework
Yii, dependent dropDownList (select)
A detailed example of the implementation of dependent drop-down lists (select) in the Yii Framework.
Add the composer to the application on Yii
Composer (the dependency manager for PHP) is already pretty tightly integrated into the programmer's daily work, which is understandable, because it simplifies the installation of various extensions for your project.
In Yii2, the composer dependency manager helps not only to add extensions, but also to install the Yii2 Framework itself, but it is often necessary to work with the project (projects) of the earlier version of Yii, namely on Yii1, and it happens that the composer is very lacking, because You can add the required extension or dependency package by running one command.
The article will describe how to add a composer to Yii1 and not just to add the composer, but to make it work. Let's start ...
Yii Framework. Yii extension for
Are you use yii and for send emails? Then this simple example of extension for quick start and sending emails from your site through for you.
Yii Framework. Configure Nginx for Yii
Setting Example Yii + Nginx + PHP-FPM.
Yii Framework, currency format using the number formatter
A simple example of formatting the currency in Yii
WYSIWYG text editor Imperavi for Yii
I was looking for an easy and quick wysiwyg editor. Basic requirements for the editor are: text formatting, uploading images and processing of it, working with tables and cross-browser compatibility. In the process of looking, I found Imperavi editor that met all my requirements.
As it turned out later Yii community bought the OEM-licensed and now if you are using Yii Framework in your project you can free use Imperavi Redactor in it. And so proceed to the include editor in Yii.
Imperavi Redactor is set in the project on the Yii Framework as an extension and works as widget.
Yii Framework. Set a default action in controller
Example of set the default action index
to any other.
Yii Framework, User-friendly URL
Simple example of user-friendly URL in yii framework
Yii Framework, check request on ajax
Checking on ajax request in yii, simple example