List of posts tagged: Yii Framework 2

Elasticsearch. Retrieving data

Elasticsearch. Part 3, how to get the data in Elasticsearch. Previous part: Elasticsearch. Adding data (indexing).

Example of get data Elasticsearch with help CURL, PHP and Yii2. This article will be reviewed example of retrieving of data with help Id, search data and getting data over the filter, search and getting of all data.

June 14, 2016 14 Yehor Rykhnov Yii Framework 2yii2PHPElasticsearch

Elasticsearch. Adding data (indexing)

Elasticsearch. Part 2, the addition of data in Elasticsearch. Previous part: Elasticsearch. What is Elasticsearch and how to install it.

Example of adding data with help CURL, PHP and Yii2.

June 13, 2016 18 Yehor Rykhnov Yii Framework 2yii2PHPElasticsearch

.htaccess for Yii 2 advanced

Setting .htaccess for Yii2 advanced in Windows using Open Server. On the server with the unix system a .htaccess will work too, is checked.

April 26, 2016 82 Yehor Rykhnov .htaccessYii Framework 2yii2

.htaccess for Yii 2 basic

Setting .htaccess for Yii2 basic. Or how to remove web from the URL in Yii 2 basic.

April 26, 2016 127 Yehor Rykhnov .htaccessYii Framework 2yii2

Yii Framework 2. Get the current controller name, action, module

A simple example of code for Yii2, how get the name of the current controller, action or module.

April 25, 2016 68 egor Yii Framework 2yii2

WYSIWYG text editor Imperavi for Yii

I was looking for an easy and quick wysiwyg editor. Basic requirements for the editor are: text formatting, uploading images and processing of it, working with tables and cross-browser compatibility. In the process of looking, I found Imperavi editor that met all my requirements.

As it turned out later Yii community bought the OEM-licensed and now if you are using Yii Framework in your project you can free use Imperavi Redactor in it. And so proceed to the include editor in Yii.

Imperavi Redactor is set in the project on the Yii Framework as an extension and works as widget.

February 17, 2016 19 Yehor Rykhnov Yii FrameworkYii Framework 2yii2Yii extensionswidgetWYSIWYG