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Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 4. Adding a table to the database for our module
In this article we will create a table for our module.

Install composer globally for Linux/Unix/OSX
A simple example of a quick installation of the composer dependency manager for UNIX-like operating systems.

Installing Composer on Windows
Short description Composer. And the installation instructions for Composer on Windows.

Add the composer to the application on Yii
Composer (the dependency manager for PHP) is already pretty tightly integrated into the programmer's daily work, which is understandable, because it simplifies the installation of various extensions for your project.
In Yii2, the composer dependency manager helps not only to add extensions, but also to install the Yii2 Framework itself, but it is often necessary to work with the project (projects) of the earlier version of Yii, namely on Yii1, and it happens that the composer is very lacking, because You can add the required extension or dependency package by running one command.
The article will describe how to add a composer to Yii1 and not just to add the composer, but to make it work. Let's start ...

Yii2. Working with multiple databases
A simple example of working with several databases in Yii framework 2.

Vagrant PHP Yii2 or how not to bother with the peculiarities of its OS to customize the development environment
A little bit about Vagrant. For me, the most convenient operating system for PHP development is Ubuntu. Here all the software is free, easy to configure, lots of documentation, etc. But if you have to work with other OSes (Windows, Mac, etc.) sometimes, you encounter problems installing one or another module or plugin for PHP. Vagrant helps a lot to get around this rake the tenth way. How it is done and what advantages Vagrant has - read in the article. We will install Vagrant for development on PHP and install Vagrant to work with Yii2 advanced.

Magento 1. Installation
In this article, we will install Magento using the composer.

Working with PDO in PHP
Functions mysql in PHP to work with the database has long been obsolete, for today it is desirable to use mysqli or PDO (PHP Data Objects).
In addition, PDO supports a large number of different types of databases, such as: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, Firebird, etc. And so let's figure out how to work with PDO, consider the most frequently used queries.

Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 2. Create configuration files for our module
In this article, we'll look at the minimal settings in the configuration files of our module.

Magento 1. Creating a module. Part 1. A bit of theory
Create a module for Magento 1. In this part, in a nutshell about the architecture and configuration of Magento.