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Elasticsearch. Adding data (indexing)
Elasticsearch. Part 2, the addition of data in Elasticsearch. Previous part: Elasticsearch. What is Elasticsearch and how to install it.
Example of adding data with help CURL, PHP and Yii2.

Yii Framework. Configure Nginx for Yii
Setting Example Yii + Nginx + PHP-FPM.

Elasticsearch. What is Elasticsearch and how to install it
Elasticsearch - search system with open source code.
This article describes how to use Elasticsearch in "pure" PHP and in Yii2 framework. For convenient use of the article will be divided into several parts. Each of which would be responsible for one or several interrelated issues. Part 1, what is Elasticsearch and how to install Elasticsearch

How to install Bower on Windows
Bower - this package manager, which sets the desired project packages with required versions along with their dependencies. More simply, bower perform for you install and update the dependencies of the project ie third-party libraries that are used in your project (such as the jQuery, and anything else that you use in project, but you did not write).

SEO website promotion alone 2016, checklist
SEO website promotion alone 2016, a check-list with simple and achievable tips to help you raise the site in search results, leaving your competitors behind.

Let's Encrypt. As a free add SSL/TLS certificate and the HTTPS protocol on the your site, step by step guide
Let's Encrypt - a non-profit organization that provides free, fully automated and open CA (certificate authority) certificate.
With this free SSL/TLS certificate you can easily customize the HTTPS protocol encryption on its website. Thereby protecting the transfer of data between client and server. And improve rankings in the search engines (google), and more. Not to mention the beautiful green castle at the beginning of your favorite domain.
Step by step instructions for creating a certificate for a free HTTPS protocol from Let's Encrypt

Installing Redmine on Ubuntu 14.04
Detailed instructions how to install Redmine to a server on Ubuntu

Changing the owner, rights to access to the files and (or) directories in the Linux
Sometimes you need to change the permissions on files or folders. This need may arise due to incorrect design of access rights or when fine-tuning of the project on the server. The following describes the commands for changing the rights to access, changing of the owner for the files and (or) folders.

Installing Node.js and NPM in Ubuntu
Quick Installation Guide Node.js and NPM in Ubuntu

How to install Ruby & Rails on Ubuntu
Example of installation Ruby & Rails on OS Ubuntu 14.04