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Deploy of applications using Shipitjs
Consider how to deploy using Shipitjs and deploy the application on a server with a single command.
301 redirect for all occasions using .htaccess
301 redirect - permanent redirect, i.e. 301 redirect indicates that the page is moved to the new address and the old URL considered obsolete, such redirect sends about 90-99% weight of the reference pages.
Next will be described a few tips and examples 301 redirect with help .htaccess
Material Admin. Adaptive template for administration panel based on Material Design style
This great product has a large list of widgets, design of animation, JQuery plugins and UI elements in the style of material design.
Material Admin will work on any device, browser or operating system. It one the best templates.
Gentellela Admin. Responsive HTML template for CMS based on Bootstrap
Gentellela Admin - an adaptive template based on Bootstrap 3 and jQuery. The template contains all the necessary elements for a comfortable integration in your project and work with him.
Template is distributed under the MIT license, which gives you the ability to copy, modify, publish, distribute and sublicense the template. But you always need to state the author of the project (Colorlib).
JANUX. Responsive HTML template for CMS
JANUX - is a multipurpose template based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Framework.
JANUX can be used for any type of web applications: admin panel, backend web shop, CMS, CRM, SAAS, corporate website, portfolio, blog and etc.
JANUX has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets and phones. JANUX has a clean, intuitive and well-balanced design that will make your project a comfortable, nice and user friendly.
Autolink, jQuery plugin to detect URLs in text and make them into clickable links
An example of a simple jQuery script to search for URL on the page and turning them into clickable links (<a>....</a>
PHP, checking existence/availability of file on remote web server
3 Ways checking existence/availability of a file on the web server.
Flickity - responsive touch slider for site
Flickity - this is responsive, touch (gesture control for tablets and phones) slider for the site. Easy to use, quick to integrate and simple in configure.
Keywords — to use the meta tag or it has not already worked?
To use meta tag keywords or not — is debated in the network for a long time. Let's try to figure out whether the meta tag "keywords" works or it does not.
WYSIWYG text editor Imperavi for Yii
I was looking for an easy and quick wysiwyg editor. Basic requirements for the editor are: text formatting, uploading images and processing of it, working with tables and cross-browser compatibility. In the process of looking, I found Imperavi editor that met all my requirements.
As it turned out later Yii community bought the OEM-licensed and now if you are using Yii Framework in your project you can free use Imperavi Redactor in it. And so proceed to the include editor in Yii.
Imperavi Redactor is set in the project on the Yii Framework as an extension and works as widget.